I’ll Just Buy A Van


After finishing up my construction paper plans, I texted my uncle a picture of my construction paper. He said “we can do that” and I got to work on finding a van. Turns out it was harder said than done.

I had no idea where to buy a van or how. I had only ever purchased one car before.. I starting looking online and either the prices were too high or there were too many miles or the roof was too low.

I flew to Raleigh, NC to visit some friends for a week in May and while there, found a van with just the right amount of miles, a high roof, and the best part - someone hadn’t already bought it. There was only one problem. It was in Charlotte, NC about 2.5 hours from Raleigh, NC and I didn’t have a car. The dealership wouldn’t let me put money down on the van without seeing it so my sweet, sweet friend Adam offered to drive me to Charlotte on Memorial Day to check it out.

On our drive, the salesman I had been working with called me to tell me someone else was interested. We were already on the way so there was not much more I could do other than say other than what time our ETA said and that we would be there as quickly as possible.

We arrived and Adam and I took it on a test drive. I didn’t realize it had both automatic and manual gears so the first street we drove on I had it in manual.. I was pissed and thinking that we drove all this way and it drives terribly. Luckily, I figured out how to put it in Drive (lol) and it srove smoothly enough. We went back to the dealership, I put some money down and told them I would be back on Friday to pick it up. Then, Adam met our friend Patty for celebratory beers because somehow I had become the proud new owner of a giant white van and we drove back to Raleigh.


Where’s The Gas Tank?


Dreaming & Scheming