Dreaming & Scheming


So if you’re like me, every big project starts out with an idea. Here is my preliminary drawing of my future van - way before I had approval from my boss to work remotely, or the van, or a plan on how I, with very limited building experience, was going to build myself a full home on wheels.

I had spent about two years looking at vans and van lifers thinking to myself “wow, these people really are LIVING”. I wanted to convert a van myself but could never get past the point of how I would do my job AND live in a van. Work was always my obstacle. I could never find a way around until March 2020 hit. In March 2020, I was told that I needed to work from home to limit the amount of people in our building. I packed up my laptop, monitors, keyboard, mouse and went home. I worked from home over the next year in my apartment, 6 minutes from my office. During that time and after a lot of adjusting and building new routines, I got into a rhythm. Working from home had its perks. I could walk my dog in the mid morning, I could wash dishes during large meetings when I wasn’t presenting. I cooked lunch for myself every day - a big change from my go-to sandwich order when I was working in my office. Sure, there were challenges but it had more pros than cons after some time.

Things were starting to look up in 2021 and my company was considering going back into the office. I spoke to my boss and pitched that I continue to work from home - I had exceeded my metrics over the last year, had been productive, and the rest of my team worked in different buildings anyway… I didn’t see the value of coming in person just to “be seen” so I pitched it and was given the green light to continue working remote indefinitely.

I had a full Pinterest board of ideas and van life designs I envied and quickly drew up this plan of what I would like my own van to look like. I had no timeline, no idea where to buy a van, had not even stepped into a van to really see how big they were but I drew the plans anyway.

See more drawings here.


I’ll Just Buy A Van