& We’re Off Again

Finally, the van and I are back on the road. After all the repairs to the exhaust system and a quick trip to visit my parents in Texas, I started heading west.

I was so excited to finally get back on the road. It had been a rough winter with the repairs (both in practicing patience in waiting for answers and repairs and in paying for said repairs). I headed out west. First stop was Caprock Canyons State Park in northwestern Texas.

Caprock is home to some beautiful canyons and Texas’s official state herd of buffalo! The buffalo roam free in the park which was a bit scary but really cool to see. We camped that night nearby and I was officially back at it in the van.

I was a little nervous that first night out again just trying to remember how to do everything and keeping a mental check list of all the “van things” to do.


Sometimes You Sleep At Overlooks


This is My Nightmare