Colorful Colorado in April

After a terrifyingly windy drive through Kansas, I made it to Colorado. I never realized how scary it is to drive a high roof vehicle through high winds. The van was getting whipped all over the road and my arms were sore from trying to keep it straight and steady.

I made it to Colorado and it snowed on the first night. I vow to one day install a heater in the van but for the time being I had my Mr. Buddy propane heater. Pro’s - it will heat the van , Con’s - need to have ventilation (window open) so you don’t die. I made it through and was able to visit some friends while in Denver. One of the best things about living in a van is that you can incorporate visiting friends along your travels.

I saw lots of the Denver area and then headed into the mountains to do some hiking. My favorite was the Panorama Point Trail - just a short way out of Denver and an easy-ish hike up to beautiful panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Once I saw some friends, drank some beer, and hiked some trails it was time to head over to Utah!


Finally Made It to Utah!


A place I can’t wait to get back to