Visiting Bryce Canyon National Park

After spending some time in Big Water, I moved on to visit Bryce Canyon, one of the lesser known parks in Utah after Zion and Arches.

The park itself is surrounded by Red Canyon, another recreational area where you can hike and bring your dog along. Dogs are not allowed on many of the trails in Bryce. This is one thing that I always have to work around when traveling with Marv. When visiting a national park, I try to tire him out the day before and make sure that whenever we are visiting, the weather will not make the van too hot. The van is fully insulated and does not get too hot often but always better to prepare to not leave him for too long. 

Once into Bryce Canyon there are a few trails that all start near the same place so it was crowded with people of all skill levels - people going out for a short stroll to see the view points, doing one of the shorter hikes, or going on longer journeys. I chose to hike one of the shorter trails after walking Marv along the view points (where dogs were allowed). The trails down into Bryce Canyon are steep with lots of switchbacks. I took my time and hiked slowly down into the canyon and was able to look at all the hoodoos. Hoodoos exist everywhere but Bryce Canyon has the largest collection anywhere in the world! 

Trails: Wall Street and Queen’s Garden Loop and Sunset Point to Sunrise Point.

Check out some of my favorite photos from Bryce Canyon below. 


First Time in Salt Lake City


Visiting Zion National Park