First Time in Salt Lake City

After spending a couple weeks in Moab, I made my way to Salt Lake City to catch a flight to visit family and check in with work in person.

Salt Lake is a big city and has some really strange things in it. Salt Lake is best known for hosting the Olympics and there being a lot of Mormons in the area. Both of which were evident while driving through the city. There are sculptures and identifies of the Mormon church all throughout the city. The Temple Plaza was so strange to me with the statues of Joseph Smith (head of the Mormon church). But Salt Lake has a bunch of really great areas to explore, lots of parks, and short drives to many hikes. 

Visiting Salt Lake was life changing - not in the way you probably think but because of the Rover who watched Marv while I flew out. 

Whenever I have to take a plane somewhere, I find a Rover to dog sit Marv while I am gone. I cannot speak highly enough about Rover - I have had nothing but great experiences with them. I found a Rover named Hannah and left Marv with her for the weekend. 

Marv had been having a hard time interacting with new dogs and people so I left him and let Hannah know and to keep an eye on him around other dogs. I do not know what she did with him that weekend but I came back to a brand new dog. He had played with other dogs the whole weekend and got along well with everyone. After that, I made sure to incorporate more socialization training into our everyday routine. If you have a reactive dog, you know how hard it can be to work on socialization and how off putting it can be to others when your dog barks in someone’s face. 

After picking Marv up from Hannah when I got back, I found a park that had a lot of off leash dogs that gathered each day - morning and night and all played together. Marv went out and played with the dogs and made a lot of progress on that trip. We ended up staying in the Salt Lake area for a couple weeks and found even more dog parks and places for him to play. Salt Lake was easy to work from remotely - I mostly worked from my van using my hotspot and had no issues with connectivity.


Leaving the Van


Visiting Bryce Canyon National Park