Going Full Time

Living in the van has been a bit stop and start up until this point. I had put in all the work to convert the van, learned how to work remotely, faced challenges, seen new places, but my job was starting to pressure me to come back in person full time.

Around the same time, a friend I had met on the road reached out to me saying that her company was hiring for a full time remote project manager and asked if I was interested. I said I was and quickly took all the steps needed to put myself up for the position (updating my resume, researching base pay for the role, getting up to speed on PM language, etc). I interviewed and interviewed and interviewed. Since I was transitioning from nonprofit marketing to for profit agency marketing, I had all the transferrable skills but not some of the language and processes needed.

After many follow up emails shamelessly expressing my interest and ability to do the job well, I was contacted with an offer!! An offer was exciting but also meant I needed to get to STL, quit my job, and start my new job so my time in Michigan ended for a little bit.

I went to STL, put in my notice, scheduled the delivery of my new work equipment and took some time to do an inventory in the van of all the things I thought I needed when I started out but realized later on that I did not need.

This was the PIVOTAL last step in making the van thing a long term sustainable decision. I worked really hard on finding a job and it took the better part of a year to find something that would allow me to step out of nonprofit. The new role will allow me to be on the road full time and not have to worry about getting back to a city for events or meetings.


Crossing the Border in the Van


A Flat In the Middle of Nowhere