Crossing the Border in the Van

With my new job in the bag and all my new equipment set up, I headed out in the van once again. I decided to head back up north and resume my trek!

Everything I saw on line made “crossing the border” in the van sound so intense - listing things like having your pets shot records, copies of your ID and passport, and needing to be extra prepared for questions…

I did almost none of that. What I DID do was use the CanAm app to fill in my passport and vaccine information. If you are crossing the Canadian border by way of a bridge it is $4.00USD. I crossed over in Sarnia (just north of Detroit) and it took a total of 4 minutes to get across the border. I handed them my passport and they asked a few questions then I paid my $4 and was on my way!

A couple of things to not bring across the border are: raw meat, citrus, eggs, weapons (bear spray is okay). I think like anything else it doesn’t hurt to over prepare but if you don’t have copies of all your documents, you will also be fine. Just make sure you don’t lose your passport!


Replacing my Inverter on the Road


Going Full Time