Prescription Medication on the Road

Traveling is fun and exciting but it can be stressful, especially for people like me who are dependent on prescription medication. If you travel and have a condition that requires medication, it is essential to plan ahead. Here are some tips to making it go smoothly:

Shipping medication internationally can be a huge hassle. Countries typically have different regulating bodies and therefore different standards for prescription medication. The number 1 best thing to do is to bring all the medication you will need for the duration of your trip. Make sure you have medications labeled and packed properly in case you get stopped in another country!

If you are more like me and don’t plan ahead, there are still ways to ship medication internationally. It just may take some time. You can look online to see what different countries require and then fill out all the appropriate paperwork to get it shipped.

If you are in Mexico or Canada, and somewhat close to the US border, consider shipping to a US pharmacy or border parcel service in border towns. If you haven’t heard of a border parcel service, it is exactly what it sounds like - a place you can deliver packages (usually for a small fee) and come pick up at your convenience.

Traveling when you are medication dependent is not easy. It requires planning, research, and a lot of patience - most of all patience. If you take the time to research your options ahead of the trip, it will be a much more enjoyable experience.


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