Building Structure


We decided that we needed to add studs into the van so that all of the important elements like walls, bed, cabinets, and everything else that would be added to the interior would be safely secured to the outside panels of the van.

We first added floor to ceiling ½” boards that would serve as studs throughout. The walls were secured with metal screws and were secured directly into the panels of the van. Then in the back of the van, we added in 2 x 4” to close the gap between the studs and the outside panels of the van. These studs will eventually hold the weight of the bed as well as a large hanging storage unit in the “garage” so it needs to be secure enough to hold a lot of weight. We cut the pieces so that they fit securely into place then screwed everything in place. These studs create an illusion that building in a van is square and standard. Once all of these studs were in place we could begin the insulation and the ceiling install!

See more photos of the structure build here.


Electrical Installation


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