Not A Lot of Privacy in the Plains

Free camping in Texas, a story of being constantly exposed to other drivers and passerbys. Texas into New Mexico is flat flat with nothing but farms and wild grasslands in between.

I found a great campspot near the Texas New Mexico border and decided to stay for a couple of days. Near the NM board, is also the time zone line. Timezones in the van are hilarious and hard, especially when you are on the move a lot. I never could quite get a grasp on what time is was which made work a bit challenging. My phone was saying one thing and computer another. My devices were just as unsure as I was about where I was and what I was doing.

This is the first spot I stayed in for multiple days. One of the days, I thought I ran out of propane so I decided it was time to get a move on. I packed up the van and Marv and we were on our way. When I arrived to the nearest town to get propane, the attendant filled up my 5 lb tank 0.03 lbs. Embarrassing. The man helping me said, this is still full.. I still had to pay 7 cents for the purchase and then went on my way thinking something was wrong with the line of the propane to the stove.

Once I replaced the line, everything worked just fine and I was no worse off minus my bruised ego.


Happy Motoring!


Sometimes You Sleep At Overlooks